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Are you worn out? Tired of relationships that you give more then get? Do you want someone there just for you? Someone that won't criticize your life? So the dishes aren't done, dust everywhere and your not sure where the vacuum is? Consider a cat! They are low maintenance. Food and a clean litter box (5 minutes work tops) is all they require. A cat returns love! Not unconditional love, but true love all the same! The condition is you must love and treat them with kindness! Treat an animal like crap and they will be crap!


Monday, October 26, 2015


Generally  speaking  I  don't  usually  bitch about the same thing over and over. There's  enough new shit for me to bitch about. HOWEVER now and again crap gets thrown in my face so obviously stupid I  have to point it out and see if anyone has a conscience thought in their head. Autumn the cat I dropped off thin is now fat. How is this possible? When someone or something can't get their own food then it's the person getting them the food that makes them fat. If you buy the cheapest food with little to no nutritional value then when your animal gets sick, you only have yourself to blame. Yes even feeding the best food doesn't  guaranty your pet won't  get sick but it helps. THINK PEOPLE! If your feeding your animal the recommended amount and your animal starts to gain weight then DAH! Cut back on the food. Look into their diet. Is someone else feeding them? Small "TREATS" can be huge in calories. Remember how big you are to your pet. Yes I could loose some weight. I eat like crap. My favorite chef is Boyardee. My favorite cereal has a Captain in the title. But that is only because I'm feeding myself. You may not be able to stop eating ice cream at 3am but you can control your pets diet. But it's such a small amount and they're begging for more. STOP! Grow a spine and feed them properly. If they're to thin give them more, if they're to fat give them less. You don't have to get food from the vet. There are great over the counter foods. Yes your pet may not like the 1st or 2nd you bring home but if you have been feeding them the equivalent of Twinkies they will most likely not be thrilled with a carrot. STOP LOVING YOUR PETS TO DEATH! LITERALLY!

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