Monday, June 2, 2014
Cleo is very playful. She loves cat nip and cat nip toys. I have a small scratching post I put on my seat when sleeping. For the most part they ignore it and scratch the seat. Cleo has a blast with it. The post has a toy hanging off it. She was able to pull the toy off. I replaced the toy the next day. I'm not sure how long I was a sleep before I was awoken and had to tear the toy off the scratching post. It had bells on it. Cleo's toys are now all bell free. I don't know her exact age but she reminds me of a kitten.
Posted by Mark Wiesner at 7:12 AM No comments:

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Cleo, Autumn and I had a department of transportation routine road side inspection. It was going along as well as to be expected when another officer pulled up. This officer had a dog with him. They asked if I wouldn't mind letting their dog in my truck to sniff for drugs. I had no problem with it but informed them that I had to put my cats in carriers first. The officers then held a little conference. They came back informing me that the dog was new and they didn't want to expose the dog to the cats. The officer doing the inspection decided to do a quick in cab inspection of his own. I told the officer I had no problem with that but I still need to put the cats in carriers. The officer said that would not be necessary. I told them that the cats are feral and will bite. The officer said he was not worried. I then told him that one will be in her cat bed and the other will be under or in one of the pillows. Just stay clear of them. He again said it would be fine. You know where this is going? I was telling the officer with the dog about what I do for the shelter. I told him I come through there quit a lot. I gave him my phone number so he could call when he thought the dog was up to the challenge of cats. He said he would talk to their trainer and supervisor. I said the only drugs I have is cat nip. He went on to say you wouldn't believe how many used trucks make a dog alert on them. They do find drugs the driver had no idea was there. I was asking him what they do in that situation. When we heard "HOLY S:-) :-) T"! The officer came out of my truck pulling on his glove. We asked if he was alright and had he been bit? "YES he yelled"! He had marks on his finger but no punctures. He was demanding animal control be called. The officers left me standing there while they went to their cars. I could hear the one that had been bit talking loudly. A few minutes later the officer that had the dog said I could go. He handed me back my license and paperwork. I took of as quickly as I could. Autumn was still in her bed and I didn't see Cleo so she was probably under a pillow. My guess is the officer stuck his hand under the pillow and startled Cleo and she bit him. Autumn would have drawn blood and she was in plane site. So I doubt he was dumb enough to stick his hand by Autumn, and she would have hissed a warning as soon as he got close. I don't think people really understand what a feral cat is. He and I are glad it wasn't worse. I could see Cleo in quarantine for 10 to 30 days. I'm glad the officer with the dog was there and able to help calm things down. I wish there was a differant route I could take but then would the officer ever want to pull me over again? Dammed if I do dammed if I don't. I suppose I should feel bad the officer got bit but hay he was warned. He's just lucky I didn't have Jackle when he was feral.
Posted by Mark Wiesner at 1:13 PM No comments:

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Tuesday, June 3, 2014
Cleo is a return for warrenty work. She is a very friendly but skittish cat. I originally got this medium sized black female cat because when she arrived at the shelter she had an eye issue. The vet prescribed drops 3 times a day and the volunteers come in twice daily. The first time they tried to get drops in her eye it did not go well. Pat the shelter president and another volunteer (both highly experienced), fought like hell to get the drops in. That's where I come in. I did as much as I could for Carmen and Calypso , so back they went. They gave me Cleo, and in the truck I gave her the meds 3 times a day. I have nothing but time while waiting to load or unload. I will just keep trying until the drop goes in. Cleo may have gotten drops in her good eye, ear, nose and several drops didn't even touch her but I did not stop until 1 went in. Yes, I used twice as much medicine and was bitten several times and yes, she peed on my bed but the medicine got in her eye. Cleo is back with me now because while being placed back in her cage she was startled and nipped the volunteer. I took her back to see what was up. She remains a very playful and loving cat. Cleo goes nuts when you pet her. She pads the bed, arches her back to get closer to your hand and rubs all over you. She is still a little skittish on her right (bad eye) side. She also doesn't like bright sun light. I think it affects her eye. She sleeps under my pillow at night and sometimes in my pillow case. I have not been bit and I don't think she would bite me, since I stopped medicating her.
Posted by Mark Wiesner at 10:49 PM No comments:

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Wednesday, June 4, 2014
Cleo is hopefully going back so she can get adopted. Some more things about her. She chirps when she's happy. Cleo seems to want to be Autumns friend however Autumn does not want to be Cleo's friend. I believe Cleo would get along with other cats as long as they were introduced slowly and the cat didn't get in her face at the start. She is a loving and playful cat.
Posted by Mark Wiesner at 5:15 AM No comments:

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Thursday, June 5, 2014
Cleo was returned to Happy Ending shelter and by the medical coordinator's suggestion was placed in with Carmen and Calypso. All 3 seem to get along with other cats. She is doing much better. It seems she needs companionship to help her stay calm. Right now it's the other cats keeping her clam but in the truck she seemed to like just hanging out with me. Carmen and Calypso don't seem to mind having her in their cage but that doesn't mean all 3 have to go together. Cleo is just hanging out with them for now. I believe once she is in a forever home she will not need a roommate. It's nice to know that Cleo does get along with other cats though. It opens up more opportunities for her.
Posted by Mark Wiesner at 4:21 PM No comments:

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