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Are you worn out? Tired of relationships that you give more then get? Do you want someone there just for you? Someone that won't criticize your life? So the dishes aren't done, dust everywhere and your not sure where the vacuum is? Consider a cat! They are low maintenance. Food and a clean litter box (5 minutes work tops) is all they require. A cat returns love! Not unconditional love, but true love all the same! The condition is you must love and treat them with kindness! Treat an animal like crap and they will be crap!



Saturday, June 1, 2013

Sweet Pea

Sweet Pea came to the shelter with a bladder issue. The vet prescribed meds. She is a small black and white (tuxedo) cat with no front claws. Should be simple. Wrong! Sweet Pea is a bundle of attitude. You start to medicate a house cat and wind up fighting a panther. She fights, bites and screams like your killing her. That is where I come in. I took Sweet Pea and fought what I thought was a good fight. A couple of my fingers were swollen and didn't move to well, but I didn't black out from loss of blood. And she did get her meds. Problem was it didn't help. Sweet Pea was still peeing often and very small amounts. So back to the vet. Xrays were taken and it was discovered she had a stone in her kidney the size of a good sized pea. Her bladder is the size of an average man's thumb. She always felt like she had to pee. She had it removed and got more meds, OH JOY! After all was done Sweet Pea got better and turned out to be a great cat.
       Whoever she owned in the past must have really loved her. She still has all the attitude but enjoys being pet. But there is always a catch. Sweet Pea has a very strict diet to help prevent her from getting more stones. She doesn't eat much and likes her dry food so feeding isn't a problem, but the food comes from the vet and does cost more. She can have and loves treats but they have to be lean treats. That wasn't the catch. Remember the attitude I mentioned? She must have gotten lots of people food from her previous people and craves it. That's the catch. NO PEOPLE FOOD EVER! I eat almost all my meals while driving. The cat with the attitude believed I was not being nice or fare by not sharing my food. Try driving with a cat on the back of your chair and one paw on your head and the other trying to grab your cheeseburger. She spilled a can of spaghettos on her head and was not fazed, just started eating. She ran off with meat out of my sub! Tore into potato chip bags, bread and cookies! And more. Sweet Pea is the reason all food is now stored in plastic containers. She ate through her cat food bag. At home it makes a small mess and you can quickly deal with it. Have that bag of food bouncing down the road for hours spilling it's contents. I really like Sweet Pea. She's the only cat so far that came right out of the carrier and laid down in the middle of the bed and start washing herself. My wife and I are paying for her adoption in hopes it helps find her a new forever home. It had to devastate the person that had to give her up. I know I miss her.

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