Monday, September 1, 2014
Sammy is a cat I can't do anything with. I socialize cats. Sammy is social. He is the only cat that climbed into my lap and let me pet him until my arms hurt. He stayed in my lap for hours. Sammy also slept with me. He was king of his domain and now is in a place he does not like. Sammy is a cat that does not like change and will let you know it. He is a long haired, medium sized, dark tabby and declawed. He has attacked me at Happy Endings shelter but with no claws and bites about as hard as a 4 week old kitten, it's all bluster. Sammy is very loud when he does not get his way or something is happening he doesn't like! His screaming freaks people out. He has a thyroid issue that hopefully the food he's on takes care of. Sammy is a great cat that will be a lap cat for someone again if he ever gets a chance.
Posted by Mark Wiesner at 8:35 PM No comments: 
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Labels: Sammy Tuesday, September 2, 2014
Sammy is not feeling good. He has turned into a dick. Sammy does not make a very good sick cat. He comes near and as soon as I try to pet him he growls and bites. I'm just glad he doesn't bite hard. I'm going to relay his medical conditions to Happy Endings medical coordinator and probably take Autumn back so I can treat and work with him.
Posted by Mark Wiesner at 4:42 PM No comments: 
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Labels: Sammy Wednesday, September 3, 2014
Sammy went to Advanced Animal Hospital and received several different medications. The pill will be a bitch but we'll get it one way or another. He has to go back in 2 weeks for a recheck. Advanced Animal Hospital is great with the feral cats. I can hold the cat during exams and since it's my flesh between them and the cat, they will work with me. Most vets would want them put under but some exams are better done when they're awake. It also takes a lot more time and money to put them under.
Posted by Mark Wiesner at 8:47 AM No comments: 
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Labels: Sammy Thursday, September 4, 2014
Sammy is WOW what a friendly cat. He wants to be pet constantly. If you are truly lonely and looking for a friend, then Sammy is it for you. Some cats know they are king of the castle and that is Sammy. NO OTHER ANIMALS! Sammy was pissy at Happy Endings shelter. Grumpy in the truck with Autumn, another cat. Angry at our home with other cats, even though he was kept separate from them. Sammy saw a rabbit and was instantly upset. He did not want me touching him and went and hid under the covers. A moment to calm down and he was back in my lap. He is on medicine but is not to bad to pill. He screams like a 2 year old child in melt down and refuses to open his mouth, but doesn't bite. Any cat not biting me is great.
He is a great lap cat. What will happen to him once the meds are over? He is so angry at the shelter that he won't let anyone touch him. He screams and swats at anyone that even gets close to him. Who will give a cat that is pissed at being caged and around other cats a chance when there are so many other cats to chose from?
Posted by Mark Wiesner at 5:52 AM No comments: 
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Saturday, September 13, 2014
Sammy went back to Happy Endings shelter and is not thrilled. Sammy is over his cold and ready to be adopted. Some more things that happened while with Sammy. He enjoys sitting in my lap while I drive. I had to pay a toll and rolling down a window with a cat that could jump out, is always nerve racking. Sammy was pawing at the window but it looked like he was waving at the toll attendant. The man laughed and I took credit for teaching him that. Yeah! I lied, so what! When Sammy thinks it's dinner time he will crawl all over me including through the steering wheel. He will head bud my face and jump from my lap to the food dish. He will also find and bring out the string to be played with. Sammy has no problem letting me drive and play string with him as long as I don't stop playing. He also started to sit in my lap and put his paws over my left arm so he could see out while going down the road.
Had to take him to Advanced Animal Hospital in Milwaukee, WI for an update exam and to get his thyroid levels checked. The vet does not usually let the clients hold the cat for such procedures but the alternative is to put him under. Since I can handle Sammy's screaming and know how to restrain a cat they aloud me to hold him so he didn't need tanked down. The special food he is on worked! His thyroid levels were in range so no daily medications. He likes his food so no problems as long as you give him canned food and mix in water. He will eat some dry but canned is his thing. It was great having a cat that was not out for my blood.
Posted by Mark Wiesner at 9:58 AM No comments:

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