
WANT TO HELP? www.HappyEndings.us

Are you worn out? Tired of relationships that you give more then get? Do you want someone there just for you? Someone that won't criticize your life? So the dishes aren't done, dust everywhere and your not sure where the vacuum is? Consider a cat! They are low maintenance. Food and a clean litter box (5 minutes work tops) is all they require. A cat returns love! Not unconditional love, but true love all the same! The condition is you must love and treat them with kindness! Treat an animal like crap and they will be crap!


Tuesday, August 18, 2015


Little One is back in the truck. If you have read past posts about this cat you know she doesn't eat at the shelter. I told them to find her a home as an adopted cat or foster. So what happened? Happy Endings No Kill Cat Shelter found Little One a foster home. This was great and I was glad to hear it. So what went wrong?  Little One doesn't eat at the shelter because she is frightened and in a cage. The foster reported that Little One was not eating so the cat was taken to Crawford Animal Hospital. They put her under to do a full exam. People can pet her but holding her is not happening.  The doctor found a injury or something in Little One's mouth. It looked like an electrical burn like she bit a cord. They sent out a biopsy and should be able to tell exactly what it is. The foster said Little One has not been out of the cage she has been in at the fosters home. WHAT THE FUCK IS SHE DOING IN A CAGE? This cat hates being caged and is frightened. STUPID PEOPLE! Little One needs to go to a home with not only a loving person but one smart enough to understand her needs. I put her in the truck and within 24 hours Little One has eaten over a POUND of canned food and a half a cup of dry. I put a can in front of her and she starts eating. This is what Little One needs; 1. A room. Not a whole house! A home office or bedroom with a closed door would be great. Not forever but maybe 6 months to a year. 2. A strategically designed hiding place. Nothing hard for her owner/foster to get to. Close off under the bed or behind a dresser or closet. She and her loving person need access to it. Something at least waist high so you can sit and pet her or chest high so you can stand comfortably and pet her.  It needs to be about 1 to 1.5ft deep 1.5 to 2ft wide and less then a foot high. The front should be completely open. Needs to be able to easily reach in and Little One needs to know she can escape if needed. 3. She needs time to get used to whoever.  Go slow and use a winter insulated leather glove covered in cat nip. When everyone feels comfortable take off the glove. I never used a glove and never got bit by her. But cats can tell if your frightened so do what feels good. 4. Litter box and food should be close to the hiding place the move them back a few inches a week, but move them back if she doesn't like it! Or kill her! Because what she is going through right now will!

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